Team Culture and Dynamics
We facilitate a series of sessions where we teach the team how to communicate more effectively and spot and rewrite patterns so that it can create the culture and dynamics required to succeed and deliver.
Culture Audit: Scoping
An evidence-based reflection of your organisation/team with a focus on practical action for change
Metaphors for Change
Enabling the organisation/team to come together, collaborate and co-develop a metaphor for change, where everyone is engaged in shaping the future, with a shared sense of purpose.
Values and Behaviour: Development
When you know your purpose, we will support you in defining how to get there, by identifying the propelling values of the organisation and highlighting the behaviours that will demonstrate that this organisation/team is moving in the right direction.
Skill Development
Ensuring that the organisation/team has the necessary skills to self-model and create an environment of continuous improvement. From the top down, encouraging a change culture, where listening, questioning, being curious and holding back assumptions is the way things are done around here.
Development for Change Agents
Skilling up a core team that can keep self modelling and the shared metaphors alive.
Leadership Support and Coaching
Ensuring that the Leaders are well resourced to support the organisation/team and can role model the change desired.